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Resources for the ambient inclined.


The Lifted Index
Great guitar music, pedal wrangler, synthesiser player, and ambient practitioner. A kind person who gently encourages many in the experimental and ambient music community.
Chris Lowis
Computer man, musician, and also works on jam.coop, a place to buy and sell music.
Find Andō's music on a quiet garden. One of the people that gave me positive feedback on places like Instagram early on when I started sharing music on social media, and helped me feel welcome in that world.
Stray Wool
Friendly musician and photographer interested in field recordings, tape loops, sampling, hacking, and all kinds of photographic processes.


Curators of music I like.

Seil Records
Optimistic ambient
Folded Note

Music gear

Places to find novel and interesting instruments and tools.

Signal Sounds
Great for modular gear, has blog posts, and active social media posts to help you learn/discover.
Elevator Sound
Often has stock of sold out gear, a place I'd love to visit frequently if I didn't live far away.